URME Community Development Hacktivist Kit

What is It?

The URME Community Development Hacktivist Kit is a package of 12 or 24 URME Paper Mask kits intended to be used by organized groups in public space. Like the URME Paper Mask, this is an entry level anti-surveillance device that also recognizes there is strength in numbers. Unlike the URME Personal Surveillance Identity Prosthetic, which is concerned with allowing the user to pass through urban environments inconspicuously, the Hacktivist kit makes more of a public statement by visually occupying public space as a group. URME Sells all its products AT COST, meaning we make no profit. You can also print them from home for FREE! We just want people to protect themselves. These kits are sold at 50% off the AT COST price.


Why are they Sold at 50% off? Aren't you losing money?

Your right! All URME products are sold AT Cost, so yes we are loosing money in the traditional sense. However, URME is not a company concerned with profits. Instead we are an organization that earnestly wants to provide the public with protection. Thus, URME wants to support individuals and groups right to engage in truly public discourse. We also realize that there are many disenfranchised groups that need extra support and empowerment. As such, we have decided to donate half the of the cost for either the 12 or 24 pack Hacktivist kit. We hope that this lower price will help further democratize the use of our products.


What do you mean by Hacktivism? 

We aren't just concerned with protecting your identity at URME. We also want to help you assert your right to voice opinion in public space with out fear of defamation. Ever feel like speaking out against something, but frightened there might be personal repercussions? Leading a group of people into public space? thats exactly what this kit is for. WARNING: Some states and countries have anti-mask laws. Read up before you mask up by visiting our resource page


What if I don't have a group of people?

That's ok. We also sell personal devices such as the URME Prosthetic or Paper Mask.  However, part of our mission at URME is to create a safe space and community where we can talk about surveillance and how it affects us. One of the ways URME does is through social media. By using the #URMEMASK or by connecting with us through any of our social media outlets, you will be able to see pictures and video of other users using the mask as well as their read stories and experiences. By connecting people together through our products, we hope to create a network of support for everyone. Check out our Community Page

Individual DIY mask kit in the Community Development Hacktivist Kit.

Pricing and Ordering

Print from home for FREE. Click HERE to download PDF. 

The following products are sold on Amazon. Please click the links below

Hacktivist Kit ( 12 pack) 50% off $6.00 

Hacktivist Kit ( 24 pack) 50% off $12.00